Roots of Resilience: On the Frontlines of Climate Justice
In our new podcast, Roots of Resilience, the Global Forest Coalition seeks to demystify discussion around false solutions to climate change by talking to those on the frontlines of climate justice. Each episode of Roots of Resilience features voices, stories, experiences, and policy recommendations from the groups and communities defending the rights of women and Indigenous peoples and local communities, upholding and elevating gender-just, rights-based, socially equitable, and real solutions to biodiversity loss, deforestation and climate change.

Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Join host Chithira Vijayakumar and dedicated advocate for biodiversity and forest protection in Central Asia and beyond Elena Kreuzberg for a compelling journey into Central Asia, an often overlooked region in the global climate conversation. In this episode, we delve into the environmental crossroads of Central Asia and shine a spotlight on the innovative climate change solutions offering us hope.

Friday Dec 08, 2023
Friday Dec 08, 2023
In this special episode from COP28 in Dubai, the politics of the UNFCCC continues to relegate Indigenous Peoples, Civil Society, Grassroots Communities, and those most impacted by Climate Change to the fringes of policy discussions and decisions.Despite this, so many continue to go above and beyond to make their voices heard and refuse to cede their spaces or back down.Listen now to hear what’s really happening on the ground at COP28.

Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Through conversations with two exceptional African leaders, Lucy Mulenkei of IIN Kenya and Anabela Lemos of JA! Mozambique we unveil the harrowing effects of climate change & expose the repercussions of false solutions on the environment, biodiversity, and communities. Join us as we shine a spotlight on the women at the forefront of this battle.

Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
En este episodio de Raíces de la resiliencia, conversamos con nuestros miembros de Chile, Colombia y Paraguay sobre los impactos del modelo extractivista, colonial y patriarcal en los pueblos indígenas, culturas tradicionales y recursos naturales de la región, así como sobre la resistencia y empoderamiento de las comunidades que están en la línea de frente.

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
In this episode, we hear that not only is change possible, but it is already happening. We speak with activists in Brazil and Uganda on the resistance to false solutions and the negative impacts they impose on communities, particularly women in all their diversities. Tune in to hear inspiring stories from the ground on paths to resistance and an equitable, just, and sustainable future for all.

Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
In this opening episode of Roots of Resilience, we speak with three of GFC’s lead campaigners, Andrea Echeverri based in Colombia, Kwami Kpondzo based in Togo, and Souparna Lahiri based in India, on the work of GFC and our members and allies.